So I find that the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah has microfilmed the parish records from 1578 through 1792. They have the Civil Registration (remember Napoleon and the Revolution?) from 1822-1913. Even better they have a link attached to that record that takes you to the where all of these Civil Registration microfilms have been digitized. They added the link to the archive on 8 April 2009.
I searched for any variant of Marie/Marian/Mary with a surname Moore born between 1822 & 1842...but I come up with nothing...There are two common names: Moreau and Morin which could be the original surname. No Barcy or DeBarcy surname at all.
I looked for the French variant of George and Sylvia at Behind the Name and came up with: Georges and Sylvie....there just aren't many variants. Marian, however, comes up with a ton...including Anne, Marianne, Marie, Manon, Ninon...Oh dear, didn't think it would be this difficult.
Maybe if we go page-by-page looking for a family that has a Georges, a Sylvie and a Mari-? we will have the right family.
Oh, and remember that story about the "escape from France, dressed as a nun"? My sister was looking at the history of France and found a second revolution in Paris, 1848. At 10-12 years old, this would be a little bit early for what I'd think she could pass as a nun. But three years later there was the Coup d'Etat of 2 December 1851. Maybe it wasn't a religious persecution at all.
Well, what now? All of these items are too coincidental for me to just throw them all out. There's something here that I need to know in order to find her. I just don't know what it is. What do you think?
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