Okay, so searching for all of these people with the surname of Moore turned up christening records for William, Annie & Charles, all in St Peter's Church, Liverpool. All with a father of Charles Moore and mother Mary Ann. 1861, 1871, 1881 censuses stating Mary Ann Moore. In 1861, she is a servant to Charles Taylor, living at Cleveland Square. But no baby William (he was born in 1860). In 1871, the family was William Moore, druggist, Mary Ann, William, George, Annie, & Charles. But Charles Taylor was listed living at the Cleveland Square address with a servant, Margaret Rooney. Is William Moore, druggist the same as Charles Taylor, druggist? In 1881, the household consisted of Mary Ann Moore, widow, machinist (I think this refers to sewing machine), George, Charles & Jennie. Charles Taylor is listed as retired druggist, with a wife, Margaret & daughter Nellie, 1 year old!!!!!!
So clearly, by 1881 Charles and Mary Ann have split up. Apparently she claimed to be a widow to explain all the children she had. Were they divorced? Were they ever married?
In 1871, even though Charles has a new servant, he appears to be supporting Mary Ann and the children, since none of them have occupations then but they do by 1881.
Mary Ann's death certificate states she died 31 Dec 1882, Annie was the informant. Moore was both their surnames. In 1881, there is an Annie Moore who matches our Annie's age, a servant in a wealthy household.

In May 1885, Annie, Charles & Jennie are aboard the ship The City of Chester, emigrating to the United States and their brother, William, who reportedly left in 1876....hmmm, the same year Jennie was born....was he protesting something? Was Jennie really Charles' daughter? Was William known in the United States by the surname Moore or the surname Taylor? Did it take more than two years to make contact and arrangements for the younger children to go to William? Who paid for the crossing? Where were the younger kids, from the time their mother died until they left England?
More and more questions. More and more mysteries.
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